Natural Gas Odorization System, Odorizer or Odorant | Know the Difference?

 In Natural Gas Odorization

What is the difference between a natural gas odorization system, an odorizer, and natural gas odorant? For background information and history on what heralded the regulations to odorize or inject odorant into natural gas, I recommend our post, What is natural gas odorization?

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Natural Gas Odorant

By nature, natural gas is odorless yet combustible, so for safety and damage prevention, the gas is dosed with an odorant. The odorant is the substance infused in the natural gas stream, which delivers that odor often characterized as a rotten egg smell.

Odorization System

The process of injecting the odorant into natural gas is often referred to as odorization, and the equipment that adds the odorant is an odorizer.


natural gas odorization GPL 10000 odorizer with tank and containmentAn odorizer is traditionally able to treat natural gas at various phases of the production process. One of the reasons we are excited about Sentry Equipment’s new odorizer, the Z10000, is because it is ideal for high-pressure and high-flow odorization applications, which are more common in the Rocky Mountain States. The Z10000 system is ideal for those applications between 350 PSI and 1480 PSI and accurate for flows ranging from 10,000 to 10,000,000 SCFH.

Sentry Equipment Z10000

The Z10000 (Now the improved GPL 10000) is a full odorization system and meets the demands of any pipeline application. It has a 100:1 turndown ratio and 0.2% accuracy for treating gas. The Z10000 has an electrically driven dual pump injection system that utilizes opposing reciprocating pistons to displace hydraulic fluid in a chamber isolated from the natural gas odorant. The displaced volume causes compression of an infinite cycle welded stainless steel bellows, displacing an equal volume of odorant in the bellows capsule that is continuously injected into the pipeline at any pressure up to 1480 PSIG.

The Z10000 is now the GPL 10000. We currently are the master distributor for GPL Odorizers, formerly known as Sentry Equipment Corp Odorant Injection Systems and Zeck Systems Odorization.


  • Safe and accurate dosing of the odorant through electrically driven and isolated dual stainless steel bellows. This eliminates the fear of seal failure or the need for odorant-side maintenance. Backed by a ten-year warranty on the bellows.
  • Slow speed uninterrupted dosing operation and low blanket pressure requirements (15-30 PSIG) assures uniform odorant distribution and eliminates the chance of vapor lock.
  • Since no pipeline gas is applied to actuate the injector, there is no discharge gas. This eliminates emissions, improves safety, and saves pipeline gas.
  • There is a ten-micron odorant filter mounted to the enclosure.
  • Includes an automatic system shut-off for low odorant supply pressure.

More information regarding the Z10000 is available at odorization or call us today at (303) 697-6701.

About Us

We are Linc Energy Systems; we strive to be the premier manufacturers’ representative and distributor serving the natural gas industry.

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