Honeywell Mercury ControlEdge MI Webinar

 In Instrumentation

Honeywell Mercury has an introductory webinar this Thursday, March 25, at 11:00 AM EST, covering the ControlEdge MI. TheControlEdge is a new product for those working with pressure monitoring and control for the gas distribution industry.

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ControlEdge RTU at the Heart of the ControlEdge MI

The ControlEdge™ MI is an advanced, standardized, and suitable solution for today’s complex and distributed operating environment. The ControlEdge™ MI adds RTU capability to the traditional Mercury Instruments offering. Discover the ControlEdge RTU, a modular, robust, and scalable process RTU at the heart of the ControlEdge MI.

March 25 Webinar

Simplify your station monitoring and control with the ControlEdge MI. Learn more in this one-hour introductory webinar.

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